The previous owner of my Speedster told me he used to use the reccomended Bombardier oil but it fouled plugs so he switched to what is in the boat now and I cannot remember for the life of me what kind it was...What 2 stroke oil do all of you use?

What oil do you use in your boat?
Started by Scarface, Apr 19 2004 01:44 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:44 PM
Posted 19 April 2004 - 02:51 PM
Would that happen to be Quicksilver? If so, it needs to be the Quicksilver for PWC's... The Quicksilver for outboards is a TC-W3 oil and is ashless, the Bombardier oil is a low ash formulation. To be perfectly honest, the previous owner of my boat used the Quicksilver for outboards- his reasoning was the oil is not only a TC-W3 oil, but it meets the API-TC certification also, according to the bottle ( Bombardier oil meets this criteria). The oil question is a often asked question, and I have as yet heard anyone agree on one oil or the other. For our boats, you don't need the full synthetic Bombardier XP-S II, the regular Bombardier 2 stroke will suffice. I would say that any oil that is not a straight NMMA TC-W3 will work. Quaker State, Citgo, Amsoil, and others make such oils. Bombardier oil was available at Walmart, but I think most of them stopped carrying it. A local Walmart had it just last week, but it was old stock. If it was fouling the plugs in your Doo, make sure they are the correct plugs for your engine (NGK BR8ES) and not too cool of a plug. still sells the Bombardier oil by the quart or gallon, although it will cost a little bit to get it shipped.
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
Posted 19 April 2004 - 03:38 PM
I called a local power sports place and they have the sea doo oil for 17 a gallon, not too bad...I think thats with my Wizard Racing discount not sure...(btw wizard racing is a motocross division of the car audio place i work at)
Posted 19 April 2004 - 03:48 PM
Thats about $3.00 cheaper than WallyWorld anyhow.... I need to come up there and buy some of that!
1997 Seadoo XP 800 (sorry, at least it is a DOO!!!)
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