What needs to be done to winterize my boat here in the Northeast?
Started by pride, Sep 21 2005 10:22 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 21 September 2005 - 10:22 AM
Posted 21 September 2005 - 04:21 PM
If you have a good dealer close by it is worth it to take her in and let the dealer winterize the boat for you. Most dealers will check everything over for you add antifreeze to the block and service the pump. If you want to do it yourself: Get a gallon of anti-freeze (preferably biodegradable so you won’t kill the fishes next season) and make a 50/50 mix. From here the story changes a bit depending on who you talk to. Version one, take a hose about 4 feet long, screw one end into the flush fitting for the engine, place a funnel in the other end, start the boat and pour anti-freeze through the line until you see antifreeze coming out of the exhaust and pump. Version two (and my preference if you care ), get a drill pump (or sub-pump) put the 50/50 mix in a bucket, attach a hose from the pump to the flush fitting on the boat start the boat, start the pump (same procedure as normal flushing) and let the antifreeze flow through the system until you see antifreeze coming out of the exhaust and the pump….I have seen both methods work, I think my impatient side prefers the pump. If you gravity feed the antifreeze it takes longer, and from here we could get into a debate as to damage to the carbon seal on the drive shaft due to longer run times out of the water…..something to lay awake at night and ponder…..
Well that will keep your block from cracking……but we still need to get that pump serviced…that is a whole other thread….
Well that will keep your block from cracking……but we still need to get that pump serviced…that is a whole other thread….
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