I have a 95 seadoo speedster twin rotax bombardier engines. The engine will crank but will not start. I inspected and found oil on the spark plugs. I cleaned the plugs,reinstalled and tryed again. Still nothing. I removed the plugs and found oil again. I removed both plugs and cranked with the plugs out and found a lot of oil coming out. I tried a few times and the oil just kept coming out. The oil that is blowing out is creamy white which tells me there is a condensation problem as well, right? Anybody have any ideas???

Started by SEANWH53, Sep 20 2005 05:00 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 20 September 2005 - 05:00 PM
Posted 21 September 2005 - 04:26 PM
Some more information might help us help you....
How long has it been since the boat was run?
Who was the last person to work on the boat?
Have you had it since it was new...if not do you have any service records from previous owner?
If the engine is still turning that is a good sign
How long has it been since the boat was run?
Who was the last person to work on the boat?
Have you had it since it was new...if not do you have any service records from previous owner?
If the engine is still turning that is a good sign

Posted 21 September 2005 - 04:36 PM
It's been about a year since it has been run. The person I bought it from had the engine rebuilt. He is a BMW tech and hoped he knew what he was doing. He told me to expect some oil to be present but I did not expect this much. I attempted to suck the oil out through the cylinder and through the hole after removing the carb.Some more information might help us help you....
How long has it been since the boat was run?
Who was the last person to work on the boat?
Have you had it since it was new...if not do you have any service records from previous owner?
If the engine is still turning that is a good sign
I am hoping that I am close. I think it almost started right about the same time the batteries ran dead. I am currently charging batteries and am hoping for success this evening. I don't have any of the records and he does not remember if he replaced the crank(which I hear may be the cause for the excessive oil).
Thanks for the reply, let me know if you want an update or if you have any wisdom to share in general on this boat.
Posted 21 September 2005 - 05:39 PM
one of the biggest problems I have seen on that boat are the small lines running from the oiler to the rotary valve, they have a nasty habit of getting brittle and breaking and because they are so small and hidden under the carbs they get overlooked until it is to late......I say all this to say that doesn’t sound like a problem on your boat seeing as you have an excess of oil......Best thing you could do for yourself is a compression check, people lie, the engine doesn’t, compression over 120 is a good sign. Those engines are rock solid, once you get her running the best thing you can do is get some time on it. Good luck, make sure you give us an update when you get her going....
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